This blog is about the psychological consequences of being a person of colour in the UK. It’s about the impact on our inner lives and our sense of identity, about the political landscape we live in that shapes public opinion and the policies that have been put in place to mitigate against the impact of racial bias. Guest contributors are welcome. Guest Contributor Guidelines

Resourcing the Anti-Racist Therapeutic Practitioner
Taking a proactive stance against racism means engaging our minds, bodies and interpersonal selves. How can we develop the capacities we need for this essential and often deeply challenging work? Psychotherapist Eugene Ellis, founder of the Black, African and Asian Therapy Network, author of The Race Conversation and co-editor of the new book Therapy in Colour, outlines three core resources to help therapists stay on – or come to – the path of anti-racist practice.

Inner Life Writes: A Manifesto For RE-Connecting To Love, RE-Newing Your Light and Radiating Your Light.
This following piece of writing is taken from the Introduction of my new book, Inner Life Writes: A Manifesto For RE-Connecting To Love, RE-Newing Your Light and Radiating Your Light. Book two in my Back To Love series.

How Creative Writing Deepened my Therapeutic Practice
Ex-psychotherapist and author Maame Blue reflects on the impact that creative writing had on her practice, and how psychotherapy has influenced her as a writer today.

Video-on-Demand Therapy Programmes Work
Is it true that “Black men don’t do therapy?”, Somewhat provocative, but is there an element of truth?

Job Security: Thin Ice?
Good mental health means that if the ice does crack, then we’ll be strong enough to swim.

I don’t like being a spokesperson or advocate for people of colour or for equality and diversity issues
Its October 2022 and black history month again. The theme this year is Time for change: Action not words. Resultantly I find myself writing and publishing blogs and articles like this one.

A Reflection on My Journey with Relationship Diversity
Considering my own knowledge and personal experience, conversations around polyamory and non-monogamy have been integrated into my client work much as any other topic a client might bring – sometimes as something they want to talk through and explore, sometimes more as contextual information about their lives.

Cultivating the Seeds of Racial Awareness – Talk
What the construct of racial difference imposes on us is demanding and complex. Exploring themes from his most recent book, The Race Conversation: An Essential Guide to Life-Changing Dialogue, Eugene explores the various factors in our conditioning around race while...

I’m a psychologist – and I believe we’ve been told devastating lies about mental health
But therapy must be a place where oppression is examined, where the focus isn’t to simply reduce distress, but to see it as a survival response to an oppressive world.

Racial Hate: The Negative Self Talk that Develops From It
When we start to believe the negative things people say about us, it’s like giving them power over us.