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Jobs, Placements and Opportunities

This posting board lists organisations that are looking to find a therapist or fill a student placement


This Jobs Board is managed and maintained by the Black, African and Asian Therapy Network [BAATN]. BAATN is a membership organisation that inspires and supports therapy practitioners of Black, African and Asian heritage to grow as a community and thrive. This jobs board allows employers to reach out to potential employees from Black and people of colour communities. The BAATN Jobs Board is an impartial service, and we cannot specifically recommend or endorse any providers listed.

The organisations listed may, or may not, have undertaken the necessary work to ensure that Black and people of colour therapists and students receive a work experience free of discrimination and which incorporates their needs and experiences. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make their own assessment about the suitability or otherwise of a particular organisation. BAATN is not responsible or liable for the accuracy, compliance or legality of the material contained in the jobs board or via emails sent to our mailing list, nor for any actions, quality of service, negligence or default of those listed.

How to post onto this board

Posting is currently free. This posting board lists organisations that are looking to find a therapist or fill a student placement. This board is also for organisations who want to develop their services for Black and Asian communities and who want to make links to the community to make their ideas a reality.

Please note; this is not an advice service, only post if there is an identified post or project and you are looking to find individuals to fill specific roles.


If you have a BAATN membership you can sign in with that account, if not, you will need to register for an account.

Password renewal – If password renewal does not work for you, please contact the administrator, who will renew your password for you. (You will need to email using the user account email address)

After you have posted a listing, you can edit your postings through your account dashboard, including marking the post as filled.

You can also post custom emails for jobs directly to the network mailing list – Email for fees.

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