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The BAATN Blog

Where therapy, the race conversation, intersectionality and politics meet

This blog is about the psychological consequences of being a person of colour in the UK. It’s about the impact on our inner lives and our sense of identity, about the political landscape we live in that shapes public opinion and the policies that have been put in place to mitigate against the impact of racial bias. Guest contributors are welcome. Guest Contributor Guidelines

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Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap

Despite being a British born Punjabi woman, whilst training to be a counsellor it never crossed my mind that I would want to work with people of South Asian heritage.

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The Purge

The Purge

A poem that captures what a lot of us feel after living through 2023 and also envisioning the future.

The Purge. You know the movie? We are living it …

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When we feel lonely, it can often come with a sense of shame. It’s as if our loneliness were a personal weakness, and we’re embarrassed of our need for connection, belonging and being understood…

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Breaking Barriers: Thriving As a Working Parent With Long-Term, Chronic Illness

Breaking Barriers: Thriving As a Working Parent With Long-Term, Chronic Illness

How do you deal with earth-shattering health news as a working parent? Over the years, Catriona and I have drawn from theories and research linking back to our work as therapists to maintain our physical and mental well-being. We have lived it and, although no days are easy for us, we successfully juggle health, work and being a parent; and somehow wake up to three amazing children, who are thriving and growing each day. These are our 12 tips that we hope you find useful.

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