Well-Being, Health and Healing
A collection of wellbeing resources covering resonses to covid 19, the killing of George Floyd, police brutality, allyship, resources for children and young people and more.
list of mental health organisations and services for People of Colour, Migrants, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Muslim Communities affected by the racist riots, rhetoric and violence in the UK.
Aug 2024
As a conference organisation that focuses on trauma and healing within racialised communities we stand together with Communities of Colour against the racist violence that has been taking place in the UK.
We have complied a list of mental health organisations and services for People of Colour, Migrants, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Muslim Communities affected by the racist riots, rhetoric and violence in the UK.
Thank you to the Community of mental health practitioners, organisations and services for their outpouring of support in making this list possible.
Response to the killings in the US, the demonstrations and what white people can do to help
February 15, 2021
A piece where the following questions get answered.
“What is the traumatising impact of watching the widely shared videos of brutality and racism towards Black people?”
“Do the videos on social media hold perpetrators to account”
“What about demonstrations that include looting and destruction of property”
“I feel powerless in the face of Black Lives Matter events across the world, but I know I’m not. What can I do to help?”
“I don’t want to disengage with world events, but watching the news is making me feel angry and exhausted.”
A Toppled Statue In Bristol Reveals Limited Understandings of What Decolonizing Requires
September 10, 2020
An opinion piece written by Aditya Iyer analysing the toppling of the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol.
This piece considers how the destruction of the statue was reflective of a powerful sub-narrative of the ongoing BLM protests; demonstrating a need to decolonize public history and education.
Black men: 'You just have to keep reliving the trauma' How has the death of George Floyd affected the mental health of young black men in the UK?
September 10, 2020
An article that addresses the effect of George Floyd’s death on the mental health of black men in the UK.
This article includes a short interview with Eugene Ellis, director of BAATN
‘Black Women and Girls Killed by Police: The Incomplete Stories of #SayHerName’
September 10, 2020
Black women, as well as men, have been subject to police brutality in the US and the UK.
Launched in 2014 by the African American Policy Forum and Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies, the #SayHerName campaign brings awareness to often untold stories of Black women and girls victimized by racist police violence.
“There’s a conversation that’s gone wrong, that hasn’t been listened to.”
September 10, 2020
In 1982 Isaac Julien RA documented the suspicious killing of a black man in a London police station with Who Killed Colin Roach? After the killing of George Floyd in the USA, he questions whether anything has changed.
Trapped: why George Floyd’s death resonates so deeply
September 10, 2020
An article written by Nilufar Ahmed that links the current global awakening to racism and COVID-19.
The trauma caused by violent images and videos on black mental health | Interview with an intercultural therapist
September 13, 2020
Director of London Counsellors Sabrina Williams discusses the impact of widely shared videos of brutality and racism towards black people on their mental health, and how best to show solidarity and allyship in a way that is meaningful.
Black Men on the Couch: Conversations during lock-down
February 15, 2021
Rotimi Akinsete asks a series of brothers about their reflections on all that’s been happening around black deaths under Covid and George Floyd’s murder.
Visit BMC: Conversations during lock-down
Black Psychoanalysts Speak
September 10, 2020
The Black psychoanalysts in this documentary engage in a vibrant and thought-provoking discussion about race, culture, class, and the unrealized promise of psychoanalysis.
Love Laid Bare - Police Brutality
September 10, 2020
The Love Laid Bare podcast was founded by Dionne Simpson in 2017. it provides a space to support physical, mental, and spiritual well-being to its listeners.
This episode entitled ‘Police Brutality’ featuring Martin Kelly discusses how police brutality affects your mental health and how Martin has navigated life since the police murdered his own father in 1993.
Therapy for Black Girls Podcast
September 19, 2020
Therapy for Black Girls is an online space held by Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls.
The Therapy for Black Girls Podcast is a weekly chat about all things mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions Black women can make to become the best possible versions of themselves.
Choose to be Curious - Curiosity & Racist Mindsets, with Narenda Keval
September 10, 2020
Choose to be Curious Facilitating Conversation and Transformation’ is a podcast with Psychotherapist and clinical psychologist Narendra Keval.
In this episode “Curiosity & Racist Mindsets” he calls for cultivating social spaces for curiosity and exercising our capacity to think under fire.
Multi-Ethnic Counselling Service
September 19, 2020
The Multi-Ethnic Counselling Service (MECS) provided by Waterloo Community Counselling was set up in 2004 to provide mother-tongue counselling to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers at no cost to the clients.
Brown Therapist Network
September 19, 2020
The Brown Therapist Network is a learning hub promoting knowledge of south Asian mental health. We welcome all South Asian therapists, from psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors and coaches. We have come together to decolonise mental health, emphasise south Asian mental health and grow together, as a community, in the process.
Aashana Resources List
September 14, 2020
The Let’s Get Uncomfortable (LGU) Resources Library is a growing list of resources that explores themes such as race, ethnicity, culture and power.
Covid-19 and Green Spaces
September 19, 2020
Covid-19 and our relationship with nature
Beth Collier, a Nature Allied Psychotherapist and Director of Wild in the City , discusses how our relationship with nature has emerged as one of the most valuable sources of resilience and pleasure during lockdown.
The race factor in access to green space
Beth Collier outlines why green spaces and time in natural settings have always been vital to our mental and physical health, and how having less access to them has a significant impact on black and minority ethnic (BME) people in the UK.
Plant Parenthood, Episode 172, with Beth Collier and Dr Jennifer Roberts discussing nature and wellbeing on the Therapy for Black Girls podcast
Dr. Joy Harden, Beth Collier and Dr. Jennifer Roberts discuss nature, health and race.
Guide to Allyship Resources
September 19, 2020
Guide to Allyship
An open-source starter guide to help you become a more thoughtful and effective ally.
So You Call Yourself an Ally: 10 Things All ‘Allies’ Need to Know
A list of 10 simple things to keep in mind and do in order to be a better person “currently operating in solidarity with” the marginalized or oppressed.
Privilege – Kyle Korver
Korver reflects on his role as a white ally within NBA Basketball.
Whiteness and Decolonisation
September 13, 2020
Decolonising Education: The Challenge of Whiteness
Kay Sidebottom, Michael Cole, and Shona Hunter share their insights and experiences of doing the work of unpack and challenging Whiteness.
Why Talk About Whiteness?
An article written by Emily Chiariello on the disconnect between the racial self-perceptions of many white people and the realities of racism.
SOAS Radio: Unsettling Whiteness
In this podcast episode, Barnor Hesse from Northwestern University delivers a talk entitled ‘Recalcitrant Whiteness of Being?’ followed by a discussion.
Whiteness, Intimacy, and Everyday Antiracism
Transcript of William R. Frey’s talk on his experiences with family, intimacy, and whiteness.
‘White counsellors don’t understand’: Why BME students don’t get the help they need at uni
An investigation by The Tab in 2019 uncovered a widespread lack of BME counselling staff at British universities.
What’s Missing From “White Fragility”
Lauren Michele Jackson considers how Robin DiAngelo’s idea changed how white progressives talk about themselves – and little else.
RACE: What is White Supremacy in Education?
Leadership, Mental Health, Wellbeing and Decolonisationog the Curriculum Consultancy by Pran Patel
What does it mean to be white in a society that proclaims race meaningless…
Presented by Dr. Robin DiAngelo during Highline College’s MLK Week, January, 2016
Why Healing from Internalized Whiteness Is a Missing Link in White People’s Anti-Racism Work
A Free Webinar by Sandra Kim, Founder of Everyday Feminism
Whiteness on the Couch
Clinical psychologist Natasha Stovall looks at the vast spectrum of white people problems, and why we never talk about them in therapy.
Seeing White – explorations of White Supremacy – 14 part radio broadcasts
Events of the past few years have turned a challenging spotlight on White people, and Whiteness, in the United States. John Biewen and guests explore what it means to be White.
Listen to the radio broadcasts
4 Ways White People Can Process Their Emotions Without Hijacking the Conversation on Racial Justice
Written by Jennfier Loubriel
White privilege and art therapy in the UK: are we doing the work?
Resources for educators/ young people
Time4Me: Children's Bereavement Workbook
February 15, 2021
Willis Atherley-Bourne is Reg.MBACP. Snr.Accred., Registered social worker and member of the Middle Eastern Psychological Association (MEPA) based in Kuwait. His background is children’s hospice work in the UK and, more recently, as Head of Family Support Services within the only Children’s Hospice in the Middle East (BACCH).
‘Time4Me’ a FREE resource produced for bereaved children. ‘Time4Me’ is an interactive workbook to be used with children and an adult (family member, caregiver and/or therapist). lt is designed to facilitate conversations around the death of a significant person in the child’s life. The workbook is non-religious in its presentation, however, the space exists for children to explore or reflect their own conceptualisation of faith within their family context if it is relevant to their understanding.
Sesame Street explain Black Lives Matter
February 15, 2021
For parents who want to explain racism to young children – Elmo’s dad explains racism & Black Lives Matter in this informational video.
Resources on Race, Racism, and Racialised Violence for Parents
September 19, 2020
Resources for Talking about Race, Racism & Racialised Violence with Kids
A list of resources compiled by the Center for Racial Justice in Education.
Racism and Violence: Using Your Power as a Parent to Support Children Aged Two to Five
This resource provides thoughts and guidelines for talking about the complex issues of racism and equality in age-appropriate ways with children aged two to five years of age.
It’s Time for White Parents to Have “The Talk” with Their Children about Police Brutality
Marchaé Grair encourages white parents to teach their white children how to be disruptors instead of enablers of injustice
Addressing Racial Injustice with Young Children
A conversation with Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins & Ann Hazzard who collaborated to write the children’s book, “Something Happened in Our Town”: A Child’s Story About Racial Injustice.
Watch the video read-aloud of the book
How White Parents Can Use Media to Raise Anti-Racist Kids
A list of 10 ideas on how to use movies, TV, and books as powerful teaching tools to help kids understand race, racism, and a history of racial oppression.
Talking Race With Young Children
A 20-minute podcast from NPR featuring Beverly Daniel Tatum author of “Why Are All of the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria”
Talking With Children About Racism, Police Brutality and Protests
An Aha! Parenting Blog post that discusses how parents can talk to toddlers to Preteens and Teens about race.
Kid’s Black History Channel
A Youtube channel dedicated to teaching Black and African history for children, with uploads every single week
Boloh - The Black and Asian Family Covid-19 Helpline
November 2, 2020
In many languages, Boloh means speak.
Barnado’s are encouraging Black and Asian children, young people and families affected by Covid-19 to speak to them: about their worries, their problems and their stresses during this time
They are available to speak on the phone or via the live webchat Mon-Fri, from 1pm to 8pm in English, Urdu or Hindi.
Between Monday and Friday, 1pm and 8pm, they will provide emotional support, advice and signposting to other organisations who can provide further help.
Black Lives Matter: educational professionals and the fight against racism
September 10, 2020
A blog piece written by Abigail Miranda an Education and Child Psychologist working in Harrow which answers the following questions:
- The current context for BAME people
- How has psychology helped in the past?
- What can we do to help?
Juvenis offers bespoke support and training enabling young people who are having difficulties at school, at home or in the community to turn around their lives and (re)engage with employment, education or training.