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The BAATN Blog

Where therapy, the race conversation, intersectionality and politics meet

This blog is about the psychological consequences of being a person of colour in the UK. It’s about the impact on our inner lives and our sense of identity, about the political landscape we live in that shapes public opinion and the policies that have been put in place to mitigate against the impact of racial bias. Guest contributors are welcome. Guest Contributor Guidelines

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The Gathering

The Gathering

1 in 5 people in the UK are affected by family estrangement. The experience often elicits shame, guilt, judgement, silence, blame and isolation.

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‘Strong Black Women’ don’t bruise, don’t cry, don’t die?

‘Strong Black Women’ don’t bruise, don’t cry, don’t die?

This article explores the complex relationship between abuse and the lack of protection, for the perceived ‘strong black woman’. It unravels the harmful impact of this and includes tips on how to support a ‘strong black woman’. It contains upsetting and triggering information. please only read on, if you feel settled in this moment. please look after yourself if you read on, and note there are resources at the end of the document, if you need support or advice around domestic abuse.

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“I wish I was straight”: The Psychological Wellbeing of Intersectional British, Gay, Pakistani, Muslim Males

“I wish I was straight”: The Psychological Wellbeing of Intersectional British, Gay, Pakistani, Muslim Males

This blogpost provides a psychological overview on the intersectional experiences of British, Gay, Pakistani, Muslim Males (BGPMM) by considering how their multi-identities interact in their various social contexts. It is important to note that for the purposes of this blog, I will not be exploring the actual lived experiences British, as this falls outside the scope of a psychological lens. For findings beyond cognition, emotions, and mental health, I would recommend checking out my socials linked below for further dissemination from this project.

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Fathers, Wanted & Needed

Fathers, Wanted & Needed

We need the black mother and father, together again, and United; loving each other, visibly, so our children can internalise how black love looks, loves, feels, acts. Brothers & Sistahs Let’s stop tearing each other up!

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Process Groups and Inner Communities

Process Groups and Inner Communities

Group process for me is about meeting and engaging with my inner community.
Everyone in the group, including the facilitator, represents someone or something of myself, my past in the here-and-now. On the spectrum of awareness, this may be obvious, familiar, or out-my-awareness, a part I’ve safely repressed, and have yet to meet.

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