Student Support
Training to become a therapist presents significant emotional challenges and given that therapy is predominantly a ‘white profession’ help is not always at hand to non-white trainees.
BAATN wants to give students confidence in knowing that they can be part of, what is traditionally a white middle-class profession, and support them with the many ethical, spiritual, personal beliefs and value systems that can be overlooked when one is from a minority.
Listen to Students
5 Student Voices Video
Watch 5 students talk about their experiences in training and in the support they receive in the Student Support Groups.
Student Support Groups
These gatherings are for those of Black, African, Asian and Caribbean heritage who are training to become psychotherapists and counsellors. These gatherings are also open to other people of colour who are affected by prejudice due to the colour of their skin and global white power.
Student Gatherings  | Practitioner & Student Gathering – Hosted by Midlands Team
Student Mentoring Programme
Each One Teach One
One to one support to Black, African, Asian and Caribbean students who are in counselling or psychotherapy training. The programme is also open to other people of colour who are affected by prejudice due to the colour of their skin and global white power.
Student Placements
Visit the Jobs, Placements and Opportunities board.
Make a donation
For Student Mentoring Project
Help nurture Black and Asian psychological therapists through their training so they can contribute to Mental Health services in the UK.
For Students and Trainers
Recommended reading for students and Trainers
Papers that describe the student experience
Silenced: the Black Student Experience – Eugene Ellis
• Article already part of therapy courses reading lists
• Summary: Black and Asian counselling students often complain that their difference and experience is ignored in counselling training. Eugene Ellis and Niki Cooper discuss the reasons for this failure to acknowledge cultural diversity.
• Therapy Today, December 2013, Volume 24, Issue 10
• black-student-experience-eugene-ellis/
Updating Psychotherapy training: equality and diversity issues in psychotherapy Training – Eugene EllisÂ
• Summary: The profession must be much more sensitive to those from ethnic minorities who commit to psychotherapy training, says Eugene Ellis. Our business is the human condition. We have the tools.
• The Psychotherapist issue 61: Autumn 2015
• psychotherapy-training-equality-and-diversity-issues-in- psychotherapy-training-eugene-ellis/
Books about how to choose a therapy course
McQuaid, Cathy. What You Really Need to Know about Counselling and Psychotherapy Training. 1 edition. London ; New York: Routledge, 2014.
Sanders, Pete. Williams, Paula J and Rogers, Andy First Steps in Counselling: an introductory companion (5th ed). PCCS Books, 2021.