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Author: Lorraine Collins When we feel lonely, it can often come with a sense of shame. It’s as if our loneliness were a personal weakness, and we’re embarrassed of our need for connection, belonging and being understood. Loneliness is often amplified rather than...
What I’ve Learned About Burnout as a Therapist

What I’ve Learned About Burnout as a Therapist

Author:  Lorraine Collins Burnout is a hot topic these days and with good reason. In a culture that encourages us to do more, it’s easy to veer into “too much,” especially if you mean well. This is what happened to me. I recently received a diagnosis of osteoarthritis...
Job Security: Thin Ice?

Job Security: Thin Ice?

Author: Lorraine Collins There’s a lot of uncertainty these days regarding job security. It’s understandable. The pandemic has had a massive impact on careers. Redundancies have soared as companies have gone bust or been forced to make drastic cuts. As we...

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