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The BAATN Blog

Where therapy, the race conversation, intersectionality and politics meet

This blog is about the psychological consequences of being a person of colour in the UK. It’s about the impact on our inner lives and our sense of identity, about the political landscape we live in that shapes public opinion and the policies that have been put in place to mitigate against the impact of racial bias. Guest contributors are welcome. Guest Contributor Guidelines

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Migrant and Asylum Seeker Mental Health UK

Migrant and Asylum Seeker Mental Health UK

Loneliness has certainly enjoyed a more mainstream understanding as a social problem over the last five years with the potential to have an incredibly negative impact upon our health. From originally being attributed mainly to older people, consideration has widened in the UK, receiving huge attention due to MP Jo Cox’s Commission on Loneliness being set up just before her tragic murder in summer 2016. ONS statistics from 2016-2017 showed 1 in 20 adults reported feeling lonely “often or always, with highest numbers reported in 16-24 year olds

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Towards widening our ethical commitment

Towards widening our ethical commitment

Susan is a member of BAATN and a practising Core Process Psychotherapist.  She is based in Birmingham having lived most of her life in South Africa.

 Azmat is a practising Core Process Psychotherapist and is serving as co-chair of their association’s ethics committee and is co-chair of UKCP’s HIPC Ethics, Diversity and Intersectionality committee. He practices in Brighton.

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Healing Voluntary Servitude and Increasing Self-Care

Healing Voluntary Servitude and Increasing Self-Care

It was never our job to take care of the slave master and his family, but once upon a time this was the enforced role on African peoples through slavery. Even though our descendants were being slaughtered, maimed and abused, we were expected to care for our abusers. We are tired and worn down by the constant struggle to emerge from historical, intergenerational and every day traumas instilled by racism and the pressure to assimilate and not be fully ourselves.

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A Tribute to Lennox Thomas

A Tribute to Lennox Thomas

In Celebration of Lennox Thomas. Father, Brother, renowned Leader, mentor and inspiring Black male, consultant psychoanalytical psychotherapist in the field of Mental Health, trauma and intercultural perspectives. Now deserving of his status as our Ancestor and iconic wise elder of the profession….

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