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About the therapists in this directory

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Professional standards

The entrants in this directory are self-selected, experienced and qualified. They represent a range of different theoretical orientations and specialisms and are experienced in working with the distinctive African, Caribbean and Asian experience. Therapists who are supervisors or work with specific issues or groups are identified too.

All listed therapists have completed, at the minimum, a diploma training in counselling. They are affiliated to a professional association that has a code of ethics and a complaints procedure, which means that client confidentiality and safety is monitored, and they work in private practice.

Counsellors and psychotherapists in this directory have also been verified with the following: A relevant qualification, or proof of registration with a professional body.

Some of the main professional associations and accrediting bodies are:

BACP (British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy)
UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy)
BPC (British Psychoanalytic Council)

Visit the Professional Standards Authority to see Other Accrediting Bodies

The information in the database is as the entrants have submitted it. We are not responsible for the quality of service or truthfulness of the information contained here. We have verified evidence of qualifications, but you are responsible to carry out your own checks as necessary.

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