If you are at UKCP member you would have received a CES notice at the beginning of October for an important meeting on the 31st October to vote on several resolutions. Syed Azmatullah, the new UKCP chair, is looking to change UKCP governing documents that will allow members to have an equal say in now the UKCP is run. Unless you have a working knowledge of the inner workings of the UKCP, the meanings of these resolutions can seem a little opaque even though you may have trawled through the details. Also, as you can imagine, the old guard want to guard the gates of change. You can engage with the board and others in a question and answer session before voting or you can vote by proxy.
To cut through much work on your part and to support the new chair Syed, you might want to vote as below. Not to say that I have done the hard work myself, but I have consulted with colleagues who I trust. You need to of course go through the documents yourself and make up your own mind as well. Either way, it’s important to have your say and vote.
Here then are my recommendations.
Special Resolution – Vote “For” – Link
THAT with effect from the conclusion of the meeting the draft Articles of Association be adopted as the Articles of Association of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the Company’s existing Articles of Association.
Ordinary Resolution – Vote “Against” – Link
THAT the meeting consider a proposed change requested by some members to the Company’s existing Byelaws.
Member Requests – Vote “Against” – Link
THAT the meeting consider a request by some members for a resolution for proposed changes to the Company’s existing Standing Orders.
Board Proposals – Vote “For” – Link
THAT the meeting consider proposals by the Board of Trustees for a resolution for proposed changes to the Company’s existing Standing Orders.