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Dr Harbrinder Dhillon-Stevens imageDr Harbrinder Dhillon-Stevens’ Keynote talk from BAATN’s 20th-anniversary conference is available to listen to. The title of the talk is “Institutionalised Racism: A Pandora’s Box that Keeps being Ignored”. This is for members only. This is the 2nd of 5 talks that were given at the conference. The others will be available in due course.

In her talk, Harbrinder explores the key events leading to and relating to institutionalised racism and why this term keeps being rejected or ignored, and also an analysis of the current discourses on racism that continue these pervasive dismissing attitudes.

You can log in here to view.

Whilst you’re there, you can also listen to previous conference presentations from 2021, 2020, 2017 and 2016.

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