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Closed Practitioner Event

Talk To The Chair – Using Gestalt ‘Two Chair’ Techniques

Exploring, learning and practicing how to effectively use Gestalt Two Chair techniques in therapeutic work based settings.

Date: Saturday 16th September 2023
Time: 10.00am – 5.00pm
Venue: Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre, London, N19


This one day workshop is about exploring, learning and practicing how to effectively use Gestalt Two Chair techniques in therapeutic work based settings.

This will offer participants an opportunity to develop their knowledge, confidence and skills in using Two-chair Techniques through an intensive exploration of;

• Theoretical concepts underpinning Gestalt therapy
• Using five different approaches
• Demonstration
• Practice using Gestalt ‘Two Chair’ techniques
• ‘Two Chair’ checklist
• Increase self confidence when working with ‘Two Chairs’
• And more….

The course is designed to be highly experiential, is theory based and assumes that the more aware you are of what goes on for you when using two-chair techniques the more likely you are able to use them successfully.

Who should attend the training?

This course is aimed at Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Psychologists, holistic therapists, psychiatrists and other helping professionals or anyone new to or interested in developing their knowledge and confidence when using Gestalt two chair techniques in their day-to-day work.

The experiential nature of the course will require you to be willing to take part in exercises, groups discussions and use your own experience as material to learn from.

This is a closed practitioner event for attendees who are of African, South Asian or Caribbean heritage.



Dennis L. Carney



Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre,
Unit 4, Lysander Mews, Lysander Grove, London, N19 3QP



Saturday 16th September 2023 

10.00am – 5.00pm

  • Welcome
  • Aim & Outcomes
  • Introductions & Expectations
  • Agreements
  • What is Gestalt Therapy?
  • What is Gestalt Two Chair Therapy?
  • Five Different Approaches
  • Video Demonstration
  • Demonstration (Live)
  • Practice
  • Two Chair Checklist
  • Further Reading
  • Evaluations & Close


£140 for Members
£120 for Student members 
£155 for non-members
£185 for organisations 

* Cost includes copy of course material and attendance certificate.

(Click here to become a member)


Booking Conditions

  • Bookings can be made any time up until Thursday at 5 pm before the day of the event.
  • Only the next two upcoming dates will be open for registration at any one time.
  • If you have difficulty booking, email the events administrator
  • If an event is full, email the events administrator to go on the waiting list. If a place becomes available before 5 pm on the day before the event, priority will be given to those at the top of the waiting list.

Full payment will need to be made to guarantee a place.

Refund policy and other booking information

Testimonials from previous attendees of the ‘Talk to the Chair’ workshop:

“The course Iived up to my expectation and I feel more confident in bringing this technique to my Counselling work.”

“The tutor was very experienced, fun and serious in equal measure. I really recommend this course.”

“You don’t have to be a Gestalt counsellor or a counsellor for that matter to attend and benefit fully.”

“Profoundly useful technique that can be used in so many different situations, it’s a waste not to learn it.”

“Highly recommend this course. It was highly informative, left me feeling confident I could apply this technique in the future.”

Fantastic course run by Dennis who I had previously done the Group Facilitation course with. Excellent subject matter, and experiential practice that takes away the fear of using this powerful technique.”


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