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Sabnum Dharamsi

Conference Speaker

Sabnum Dharamsi co-founded, along with Abdullah Maynard, the first contemporary model of Islamic Counselling, and has developed and teaches a curriculum for accredited courses to Diploma Level. She was also the Convenor of the pioneering Islamic Counselling module for Cambridge Muslim College for over 10 years. Sabnum is also the author of a number of articles including: ‘Our therapeutic direction is towards Light’: Transcendence and a non-secular politics of difference in Islamic Counselling training” co-authored with Giulia Liberatore for the Journal Royal Anthropological Institute, and “How do Muslims survive and thrive within secular and prejudicial spaces? The authentic voice as an act of resistance in Islamic Counselling training” for the BPS, and “When tears fall – an exploration of the meaning of tears in the therapy room” for Thresholds, BACP.  Her previous consultancies are diverse and include Chair of the Muslim Women’s Helpline, International Head Facilitator for the Academy of Self Knowledge (ASK), and Teenage Pregnancy Coordinator (Commissioning) for the Luton Primary Care Trust and establishing, along with Abdullah Maynard a year long certificate course “Counselling in the Context of Racism”.

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