Eugene Ellis
Founder and Director
I came into therapy as part of my emancipation from internal oppression, as a consequence of my personal experiences and as a result of living in a racialised world. Many of the therapists who are part of this network have been through a similar process themselves and are passionate about inspiring and energising those that want to do the same.
He has worked for many years with severely traumatised children and their families in the field of adoption and fostering and has a particular interest in body orientated therapies including Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing, Mentallisation and Mindfulness approaches. Eugene also facilitates dialogues around race and culture as it relates to the body within organisations and in psychotherapy trainings.
The Race Conversation:Â An essential guide to creating a life-changing dialogue. Published in March 2021 through Confer Books
Intercultural Therapy: Challenges, Insights and Developments:Â Finding Our Voice across the Black/White Divide. Edited by Baffour Abadio and Roland Littlewood. Jan 2019
Updating Psychotherapy Training: equality and diversity issues in psychotherapy training: The Psychotherapist. Issue 61: Autumn 2015
Silenced: the black student experience. Therapy today. December 2013
How I Became a Therapist. Therapy Today.May 2013
Why Strong Black People Do Go To Counselling. The voice newspaper. November 8 – 14, 2012
Towards a Rainbow-Coloured Therapeutic Community: Psychotherapy and Politics International. 9(3): 188–193 (2011)
These and other articles can be found here