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Dr Shah Alam


Clinical Psychologist & CBT Therapist

Dr Shah Alam is a British Bangladeshi Male Clinical Psychologist, BABCP accredited CBT therapist and visiting lecturer from East London. Shah has previously worked in Talking Therapies services as a Low Intensity Practitioner and High Intensity CBT therapist within diverse boroughs around London. He has also worked with children and young people in a Paediatric setting and currently works with adults in the communities of Tower Hamlets & Hackney (East London), supporting people with experiences of trauma and emotional dysregulation.

Shah has published research highlighting the mental health needs of British Bangladeshi men and developed a short video with the BBC related to this. Separate to his clinical work, Shah has created an initiative to support South Asian Male aspiring, trainee and qualified therapists / Psychologists and under UCL he co-ordinates the Valued Voices Mentoring scheme, which looks to support racially minoritized aspiring Clinical Psychologists.

X: @Shah_257



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