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Carmen Joanne Ablack

Advisory Group, Conference Speaker

Carmen Joanne Ablack MSc UKCP and EABP accredited

Carmen Joanne Ablack is an Integrative, Body Psychotherapist, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Group Psychotherapist and Supervisor. National and international teaching includes diversity and intersectionality, relational Body Psychotherapy and Gestalt – somatic trauma, groupwork, couples and relationship therapy. Offers supervision, training, coaching and mentoring in diversity, embodied relational practice, and mental health. Carmen is President of European Association for Body Psychotherapy (EABP). She is a member of the Black, African & Asian Therapy Network (BAATN) Leadership Group, where she also sits on the BAATN External Relations Group. Carmen is a teaching faculty member at the Gestalt Centre, London. Carmen’s recent interview by Christine Stevens, In her own voice is published in the BGJ, (2021 Volume 30 No.1). Publications include:

 ‘Embodied Intercultural Ground’ in Ababio, B. & Littlewood, R. (Eds) (2019) Intercultural Therapy: Challenges, Insights and Developments. London: Routledge

Finding our Intercultural Ground in International Journal of Body Psychotherapy Vol.18,2, 2019/20


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