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Open Public Event

Meet the Authors of Therapy In Colour

A pre-launch of the forthcoming book “Therapy in Colour: Intersectional, Anti-Racist and Intercultural Approaches by Therapists of Colour”

Sat 25 March 2023 â‹… 11:00am – 1:00pm


Please join us for a peek into the forthcoming book Therapy in Colour – Intersectional, Anti-Racist and Intercultural Approaches by Therapists of Colour, with presentations by Authors and Editors plus a Q&A

Therapy in Colour supports the development of critical thinking about black, African, Caribbean, and Asian training and therapeutic needs.

This event free with donations welcome. Please pay what you can afford as we are raising funds to hold several face-to-face events to launch this important and long awaited BAATN (Black African and Asian Therapy Network) community effort.



Online meeting via Zoom

Zoom is free to download and use. For more information about Zoom click here.

To download Zoom free of charge click here.

the Editors of Therapy in Colour

Dr Isha Mckenzie-Mavinga is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, retired Transcultural Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Lecturer and BAATN leadership team member. She is Author of Black Issues in the Therapeutic Process (2009) and The Challenge of Racism in Therapeutic Practice (2016).

Eugene Ellis is Director and Founder of the Black, African and Asian Therapy Network (BAATN), Honorary Fellow of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and Editorial Board Member of the journal Psychotherapy and Politics International. author of The Race Conversation: An Essential Guide to Creating Life-Changing Dialogue (2021).

Kris Black (they/them) is a committed community psychotherapist located within the UK QTIBPOC and the wider LGBTQ+ community, is a longstanding intersectional feminist, activist and trainer. They founded Radical Dialogues, an intersectional training and education foundation.

Karen Carberry is a Family and Systemic Psychotherapist, Head of Family and Systemic Therapy – Orri. Executive Director and Trustee, Association for Family Therapy & Systemic Practice; & Board Director & Consultant Clinical Supervisor for Hope Bereavement Support, also co-editor of The International Handbook of Black Community Mental Health 2020.


£FreeDonations are welcome

This event is pay what you can afford as we are raising funds to hold several face-to-face events to launch this important and long awaited BAATN community effort. Tell your Friends and Colleagues, bring your friends and family, spread the word ~ be the change you want to see.


What Therapy In Colour’s endorsers are saying

‘A book like this is a bit like a rare event. It therefore deserves to be both witnessed and read and studied’.

Dr Dwight Turner, Course Leader in Humanistic Psychotherapy, University of Brighton and author of Intersections of Privilege and Otherness in Counselling and Psychotherapy

‘The heart of the book is the intense and personable way each author writes about raciality, racism and the need for introspection into the patient as well as the therapeutic process’.

Fanny Brewster, PhD, MFA, LP, author of The Racial Complex: A Jungian Perspective on Culture and Race

‘This new book deftly navigates readers through a path that deeply analyses Eurocentric ‘givens and perspectives’ on issues relating to mental health and trauma. A core tenet is the reconfiguration of therapy by taking stock of Black communities’ historical lived experience and drawing upon their cultural traditions to enrich therapeutic practice. If you are interested in anti-racist therapeutic practice, this book is a must-read’.

David Weaver, President of BACP

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