BAATN Conference Speakers
Alienation, Trauma and Recovery
In this keynote presentation, Karen Minikin will remind us of the fundamental dynamics of alienation. Â
The outcome of this inherent oppression and ostracising leads to feeling cut off from our legacy, isolated within communities, disconnected from the land and from our bodies.  Who we are and who we belong to are key in our professional and personal lives.  BAATN has inspired and helped us in our journeys towards recovery from past and present traumas.  This keynote will point towards how we survive and recover personally from adversity.
Dr Kam Dhillon (he/him) PhD MSt (Oxon) UKCP Reg. MBACP (Accred) MBPsS
Moving through our doorways of shame
Dr Kam Dhillon will explore the nature and entwined causes of shame (colonial-historical, current society, family) and consider its consequences. Dr Dhillon will also consider ways to respond to shame.
Our Grief: Black Women Speak
Dr Yansie Rolston will present a keynote speech that includes a powerful short film called “Our Grief: Black Women Speak.” This session will provide a safe space for participants to tap into their own experiences of loss and the emotions that arise from it in the comfort of a healing community.
The short film spotlights the experiences of middle-aged Black women as they face grief and loss and how they gave themselves moments of self-care and self-comfort. It explores the complexities of grief, touching on gender, race, age, culture, and family. The women featured in the film share how the process enabled them to feel empowered and to forge connections with others who have experienced similar losses.
‘Embodied Joy’ knowing joy in the body through dance movement and feeling/sensing/meditation.
With a passion for embodiment, Salma Darling is a dance movement psychotherapist, conscious dance facilitator and mindfulness teacher. Salma holds movement spaces where diversity, raw, tender, wild, and extraordinary are welcomed. She offers wisdom for the path so that life material can be transmuted into living more freely and fully.
During an MA in art and ecology, she developed Wild Divine Dance as a mindful embodied awakening practice incorporating stillness and movement indoors and in the wild. Much of the process was developed on beaches in Devon, Dorset, Cornwall, and Dartmoor, UK.
Becoming a solo mama during the pandemic to now 3-year-old cute and feral twins is her greatest work and teacher.