Closed Public Event
The Essentials Workshop -Personal, Family & Community Constellations
Date: Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th March 2025
Time: 10am – 5pm
Venue: The Wheatley workshop room at The Engine Room, Tottenham Hale, London, N17 9FU
Ancestral Constellations are a transgenerational approach to healing your family tree and bringing more harmony and balance back into the family system. This approach more closely integrates the indigenous roots and ancestral traditions within the systemic constellations process, ‘roots’ which are often overlooked and undervalued. Families are part of communities and often the two are indivisible in African and Asian Diaspora life. We will map ‘constellations over’ a range of issues in order to explore their impact on family identity and community cohesion. You will also observe some social and community issues that impact and influence transgenerational family life with special relevance to BAATN communities.
Aim & Benefits
This weekend will introduce you to the therapeutic benefits of the constellation process. Using this approach to explore family relationship patterns can offer a different perspective on generational ‘storying’ and lead to new solutions. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the different applications of the method in personal, family, community, social and professional contexts.
What participants will learn……
- An introduction to the systemic constellation method and the ancestral markers of the process
- The background and core essentials of the Ancestral Constellations approach
- How constellations are structured and their intention and purpose
- How transgenerational patterns inform family and community dynamics in current generations
- The application of the method in different personal and professional contexts
Generational issues that can be explored……
- Relationship Dynamics that impact family and Community Wellbeing
- Issues in the social system that create disharmony in the family and community
- Barriers that stop us from connecting with each other across generations
- The indigenous wisdom that is held in communities even if unrevealed
- Take steps to restore the flow of love in our families and communities
The workshop can support professional practice through…
- A systemic process for working with diverse families from different cultural backgrounds
- A different perspective on family relationships and community dynamics
- A framework for understanding transgenerational Diaspora family life
- Introduce indigenous ancestral concepts in family systems
- Experience a unique and powerful approach to generational healing
NB: This is an experiential approach and topics/issues will be chosen by the group to map over the 2 days. Participants will be encouraged to take part and share experiences. Come with an open mind!
Who is it For?
Counsellors, psychotherapist, holistic practitoners, coaches, social workers, health professionals and anyone who works with families and community groups and is looking to develop their knowledge about transgenerational work in Diaspora communities of colour.
This is a closed public event for attendees who are Black, African, South Asian, Caribbean and People of Colour.
The Wheatley workshop room at The Engine Room, Unit A, Eagle Heights, Hale Village, Tottenham Hale, London, N17 9FU
Dates: Saturday 15th March – Sunday 16th March 2025
Times: 10.00am – 5.00pm
The 2 days will primarily be experiential and participative with an introduction to the theory and practice of constellation work
Day 1
- Welcome & Introductions
- Setting the contract for the day
- Agreements
- Background to the Systemic Constellations method
- 4 Principles of Family Constellations
- Constellation 1 – Demo Mapping the constellations process
- The “intention’ in the Constellation – Creating a structure for exploration
- Constellations 2 – Family Constellations
- Constellation 3 – Family Constellation
- Constellation 4 – Mini-constellation
- Paired Exercise
- Close
Day 2
- Welcome back
- Reflections on the constellations process
- Constellation 5 – Community Constellation
- Constellation 6 – Community Constellation
- Different applications of the Systemic Constellations method
- Constellation 7 – Witness Pod (small group work using figurines/dollies/felts)
- Constellation 8 – Social Justice (large group process)
- Working with systemic constellations in supervision and other professional contexts
- Reflections
- Evaluations & Close
£150 for Members
£130 for Student members
£165 for non-members
£220 for organisations
(Click here to become a member)
Booking Conditions
Bookings can be made any time up until Thursday at 5 pm before the day of the event.
- Only the next two upcoming dates will be open for registration at any one time.
- If you have difficulty booking, email the events administrator
- If an event is full, email the events administrator to go on the waiting list. If a place becomes available before 5 pm on the day before the event, priority will be given to those at the top of the waiting list.
Full payment will need to be made to guarantee a place.
What delegates have said:
“We were able to explore and discover family and heritage dynamics in a very open and powerful way. I feel that this workshop has had a deep impact on how I view my role in my family, my work and the communities that I live in.”
“The workshop gave me a chance to focus on what is truly important and I now have a better sense of direction.”
“I came here hoping for healing I’ve sought from other therapeutic practices, but I found it here.”
“This was such a powerful and healing experience. I am so grateful to have received a constellation and honoured to have been part of others.”
“These are issues and wounds common to many communities. These workshops are essential to reveal and transform what has kept us back for generations.”