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Postcard From Gujarat, India

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I am an Indian counsellor and psychotherapist trained in London, and have specialised in working with Asian women in Britain for the past few years.  I chose to work in India to observe how counselling theory is applied in a culture that has a different view of the self, to Western[1] models. I wanted to see how my own counselling work would change according to the Indian cultural context, and to explore and re-evaluate the assumptions that underlie counselling practice in the UK. At root, the desire was to distinguish universal counselling tenants from tenants that are more culturally relative.

[1]  I use the term Western as a global term, and am aware of the vast cultural range within this, and how the Western culture of today is relative, as it is not the same as the Western culture of 30-50 years ago. I use the term Western to denote the predominant culture of today.

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