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123 Space

[timed-content-server show=”2021-01-19 00:00:05 -0000″ hide=”2021-01-22 23:59:55 -0000″]Show me starting at 8:30 PM Central Standard Time on September 13th, 2013, then hide me an hour later. I will not be displayed before or after then.[/timed-content-server]

123 Stokes Croft,
Bristol,  BS1 3RZ

  • Accessibility: Accessible for wheelchairs from Cheltenham Road, there are otherwise 4 steps into the room from the cafe.
  • Walking: 27 mins from Bristol Temple Meads, 7 min walk from Montpelier
  • Driving: We cannot guarantee parking but there is free on the street parking on saturdays around St Paul’s (Ashley Road and surrounding side streets) and also Sydenham Road. 

123 Space

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